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fileyourfile doesn’t have any attorneys or tax consultants within its staff, and cannot provide any legal or tax advice. fileyourfile holds no responsibility for the instructions and information given to it by any party that claims to be permitted by a certain legal entity to order the filling of specific documents.
fileyourfile wishes to clearly state that the information provided in the website is to solely serve as general information, the information is in no shape or form a personalized legal service or advice, also fileyourfile disclaims ever promising or implying that it will provide assurance or coverage for any consequences or repercussions resulting from the use of our services or the contents of its website.
While our staff do everything in their ability to provide the service in the agreed upon duration, fileyourfile cannot completely guarantee that the service will be provided in the exact date, a delay of one day or more may take place, still we’d like our clients to know that we do everything in our ability to make the service process as fast and reliable as possible.
All the information and services offered by fileyourfile are provided with the agreement that our staff, partners as well as agents take no direct part in providing any legal or tax advice, or legal fileyourfile denies assuming any responsibility for the consequences resulting from any use or misuse of the contents of its website.
The purpose of all filing services and valuable related information provided by fileyourfile is to serve as a faster and simpler way for our clients to complete and file their documents with the Secretary Of State of their respective states as well as related agencies. .
If you dispute a charge on your credit card, and we prove afterwards that no mistake was made then we will charge a fee of a 100$ per hour for having to deal with all the paperwork and headache that comes along with trying to prove the accuracy of our charges.
If for some reason this dispute or any other dispute reaches the court or begins to require the intervention and presence of a lawyer then, and ends up with us winning the case then you will have to pay for the totality of the expenses that we have endured throughout the dispute.
All request for cancellation of any of our services must be placed in no less than 5 weeks before the desired date of cancellation.
Since we try to be as clear and transparent as possible with the services we offer to our clients, and we try our best to provide the best quality out there, fileyourfile can only refund its client if we made any filing mistakes or went completely beyond the deadline when providing the services that they acquire from the website, in which case as soon as we’re informed and confirm that there’s indeed an issue with the provided service (Refund only limited to the Business bank account deposit) we will refund our clients and apologize to them.
Please bear in mind that the amount of the refund will be the same as you’ve paid with a deduction of 5% to cover the processing fees.
fileyourfile reserves the full right to refuse doing business, and fulfilling an order or a service, at its discretion with or without notice or explanation at the time of its rejection for reasons including but not exclusive to Any order for which no further information requested as a follow up for an order form was provided to fileyourfile.
Any order that lacks the complete information needed to fulfill it; and any order that hasn’t been paid for in full. Payment of the full cost of service is due in advance of providing the services.
fileyourfile reserves the full right to alter these Terms and Conditions in full discretion, whenever it sees fit, with or without notice to you.
If fileyourfile is hired for service, the Client agrees to be billed on annual and monthly basis depending on the period of the service for charges mentioned in the website.
fileyourfile will automatically charge its client on annual and monthly basis depending on the service, unless the client cancels the service before its date of renewal.
The Client agrees that if they don’t cancel the service, fileyourfile will continue to charge annual and monthly fees to the Client indefinitely and may afterwards pursuit the client if they don’t pay all fees owed to fileyourfile.
Though we accept service of process and legal notifications on behalf of the Client as part of the job. However since the Client agrees that they are an independent party.
fileyourfile is in no way, shape or form responsible for any illegal or unaccepted behaviors and actions committed by the client.